United Way Projects and Events
Below are United Way's ongoing projects and events. Want to learn more about one of these? Reach out to Savannah@uwka.org.
Recreational Activity Scholarships
These scholarships provide up to $75 per year in assistance for youth to attend enrichment activities through the schools or community organizations with priorities for reading programs and summer school. Guardians will be asked to provide proof of financial need.
Coats for Kids

Each year, we partner with the Kearney Kiwanis Clubs, Kearney Elks, and Buffalo County Goodfellows to organize a Coats for Kids drive where we provide free coats to over 800 children in the Kearney and surrounding areas. We provide a range of coats to toddlers, all the way up to high school students. Volunteers work together the morning of the event to organize and sort the coats to make for a quick and easy pick-up for families. Upon registering, guardians will be asked to provide proof of financial need.
Free Little Libraries

Free Little Pantries
Donate food at one of the Free Little Pantries anytime.
They are located at 1623 Central Ave, 110 W. 24th, 3211 Q Ave.
Take what you need, leave what you can!
Learn more: facebook.com/kearneylittlefreepantry
Stamp Out Hunger

Letter Carriers. They make significant donations of food to organizations serving those in need.